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Irresistible Reading Quotes

  • "To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark." — Victor Hugo, Les Miserables
  • "Oh, magic hour, when a child first knows she can read printed words!" — A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, 1943
  • "There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island." — Walt Disney
  • "A book is like a garden, carried in the pocket." — Chinese Proverb
  • "You know you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend." — Paul Sweeney
  • "There is no substitute for books in the life of a child." — May Ellen Chase
  • "Fill your house with stacks of books, in all the crannies and all the nooks." — Dr. Seuss

Old Library






  • "Reading should not be presented to children as a chore or duty. It should be offered to them as a precious gift." — Kate DiCamillo
  • "Writing is thinking on paper. " — William Zinsser
  • "I feel the need of reading. It is a loss to a man not to have grown up among books." — Abraham Lincoln
  • "A poem begins in delight and ends in wisdom" — Robert Frost
  • "Let us remember: one book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world." —  Malala Yousafzei
  • "What an astonishing thing a book is. It's a flat object made from a tree with flexible parts on which are imprinted lots of funny dark squiggles. But one glance at it and you're inside the mind of another person ..." — Carl Sagan
  • "If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book." — J.K. Rowling
  • "Books are a uniquely portable magic." — Stephen King

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  • "Books to the ceiling, Books to the sky, My pile of books is a mile high. How I love them! How I need them! I’ll have a long beard by the time I read them." — Arnold Lobel
  • "I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library." — Jorge Luis Borges
  • "Once you learn to read, you will be forever free." — Frederick Douglass
  • "The things I want to know are in books. My best friend is the man who'll get me a book I [haven't] read." — Abraham Lincoln
  • "So please, oh PLEASE, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away. And in its place you can install, a lovely bookshelf on the wall." — Roald Dahl
  • "Children are made readers on the laps of their parents." — Emilie Buchwald
  • "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." — Groucho Marx
  • "I used to walk to school with my nose buried in a book." — Coolio


  • "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go." — Dr. Seuss
  • "You may have tangible wealth untold. Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you can never be — I had a mother who read to me." — Strickland Gillilan

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