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September 2023

  • Podcast Ep 97, Part 1: Understanding and Using the Science of Reading

    Posted by Sharon Callen

    LATEST PODCAST, Ep 97: In Part 1 of this podcast, expert educators Diane Snowball and Keay Cobbin discuss the science of reading. They emphasise that the science of reading is a term used by various educational communities and can have different interpretations. They provide definitions from reputable sources, highlighting that...

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  • Podcast Ep 96, Part 2: Uncovering Podcast Gold: The Top 9

    Posted by Sharon Callen

    LATEST PODCAST, Ep 96: In Episode 96 of the Teacher's Toolkit podcast, expert literacy consultant Sharon Callen and her team conduct a countdown of the top five most listened-to episodes. At number five is a discussion about 'Effective Literacy Teaching in High Schools' (00:00:30) with Misty Adoniou, with a focus...

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  • Podcast Ep 95, Part 1: Uncovering Podcast Gold: The Top 9

    Posted by Sharon Callen

    LATEST PODCAST: Part 1: Uncovering Podcast Gold: The Top 9 In this podcast, expert literacy consultant Sharon Callen and team aim to showcase the top nine podcasts that have resonated with their audience, based on listenership data. They discuss the key aspects and themes covered in these top-rated podcasts to...

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  • Podcast Ep 94, Part 2: Good Writers Revise and Edit Their Writing

    Posted by Sharon Callen

    In this podcast, Ep 94, Part 2: Good Writers Revise and Edit Their Writing', join Sharon Callen and her dynamic team whilst they continue on a riveting exploration, this time discussing the 'Magnificent Seven' revising strategies, spanning rereading, editing, and reorganisation. Discover the power of Prompt Posters and Anchor Charts...

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