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April 2024

  • Unveiling the Science of Teaching: A Journey into Evidence-Based Education

    Posted by Sharon Callen

    In the second part of the podcast series "Evidence-Based Teaching, What Is It?," Misty Adoniou, an expert in education, delves into the intricacies of evidence-based teaching. She sheds light on misconceptions surrounding ready-made materials for teachers and emphasises the importance of understanding the historical context and scientific principles behind teaching...

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  • Understanding Evidence-Based Teaching: A Conversation with Misty Adoniou

    Posted by Sharon Callen

    In this enlightening podcast, Evidence Based Teaching, What Is It? – Part 1, Misty Adoniou, a renowned literacy expert, joins the discussion to shed light on evidence-based teaching. Misty's extensive background in language, literacy, and TESOL education brings invaluable insights into this crucial topic. Misty Adoniou's Background: Misty Adoniou, an...

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  • Unlocking the Joy of Writing: Insights from Sharon Callen's Podcast

    Posted by Sharon Callen

    In a captivating podcast episode New Writing Units Uncovered, Part 2 with Sharon Callen, educators are invited into an enriching dialogue on nurturing students' writing skills with joy and purpose. Delving into the second part of their discussion on new writing units, Sharon shares invaluable insights and strategies for crafting...

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  • Announcing New Writing Units: A Teacher's Guide

    Posted by Sharon Callen

    Welcome back to The Teacher's Toolkit for Literacy podcast for a new season, where this fortnight we delve into the intricacies of teaching writing effectively. In this podcast episode, New Writing Units Uncovered – Part 1, Sharon and Phil explore the nuances of creating writing units tailored to the Australian...

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